Arch 655 Project - Harnessing The Power of Parametric design and Building Information Modeling Through Augmented Reality

Harnessing The Power of Parametric design and Building Information Modeling Through Augmented Reality

1         Introduction

This study demonstrates the power and usefulness of conceptual parametric design in a user-friendly format for students and professionals. The major goal of this research is to introduce conceptual parametric design in a simple and engaging way in order to attract students and young professionals to the parametric design field. The constructive parametric design technique of the building information modeling (BIM) will convert the conceptual building massing to building geometry with architectural attributes. The idea of exploiting BIM's power is to immediately relate conceptual parametric design to architecture, allowing users to better grasp the parameter's effects. The conceptual parametric design is a powerful tool for designers and architects since it allows for live altering and exploration with little effort. This feature involves the use of complex mathematical expressions via hard programming [1], which is one of the most common reasons why architecture students are hesitant to begin learning and explore the parametric world. Despite the fact that the new current software makes it a lot easier than previously by adding a visual scripting interface that does not require any coding knowledge. To achieve the desired outcomes, any parametric model must have its bases (parameters) changed or optimized utilizing extra algorithms. Andrea Palladio's nine-square grid was employed in this study to provide the user the power to pull and push to create an infinite variety of building designs. The parametric design experience has been enhanced using augmented reality (AR) technology. By placing the virtual object in the physical world, AR promotes user engagement and presence in the experience [2]. The mobile device is the study's target platform, due to its wide AR accessibility and affordability. The research hypothesis is that combining parametric design algorithms with augmented reality will allow students to fully transform the building geometry (translation, rotation, and scaling) and walk around it in real-world environments, allowing them to explore and understand their geometrical changes. The study's expected outcome is to improve the students' understanding of parametric design principles and to increase their interest in the subject of parametric design.

1.1        Parametric Design

The parametric design form is formed by parameter values, and equations are employed to define the relationships between the forms [3]. Modeling with constraints and variable parameters is known as parametric modeling [4]. As a result, interdependencies between forms can be formed, and their transformational behavior can be specified (mathematically and geometrically). Since around 1990, parametric design has had an impact on the evolution of digital architectural design, with two types: Architectural Conceptual Parametric Design and Architectural Constructive Parametric Design [1].

1.1.1       Architectural Conceptual Parametric Design

The parameters of a given design are defined in conceptual parametric design, not its shape [4]. Different objects or configurations can be simply built by setting different values to the parameters. The parametric and generative representations of buildings, whether based on orthogonal or curvilinear geometry, are investigated by Rosenman and Gero, Prousalidou [5]. They are effective because they can capture a large amount of variance in a small number of numerical values. For parametric design, software like Maya or Rhinoceros (with Mel or Rhino Script) include script editors. This design method demands programming or scripting knowledge, and it is a feature of mathematical algorithms that makes interactive design possible [1].

1.1.2       Architectural Constructive Parametric Design

Data incorporated into a specified 3D model is referred to as constructive parametric design [3]. CAD products like as Autodesk Revit, Soft Plan, Nemetschek, ArchiCAD, and Chief Architect implement this parametric approach. Designers can use pre-drawn components, such as doors, windows, load elements, staircases, and roofs, instead of drafting lines, arcs, and so on. As a consequence, instead of 2D drawings, 3D models are produced, which is currently typical in the shipbuilding sector. The goal of this technique is to minimize drafting time and 2D drawing adjustments. These software tools were created for standard architectural elements, however they cannot be used to integrate non-standard parts of modern digital architecture [6].

1.2        The Grid System's History

In architecture content, one of the meanings of grid is A regular framework of reference lines to which the dimensions of main structural components of a building's design are set is known as a structural grid or a modular grid. The grid is made up of lines that represent a building's structural, modular, or layout grid, to which measurements are matched [7][00]. The gird system in urban planning is a design of about rectangular blocks formed by an orthogonal network of streets, often known as a checkerboard plan, checkerboard plan, chessboard plan, or gridiron plan [8]. The grid's significance as a statement of societal order and logic is first articulated in the layout of the Greek city of Miletus (Figure 1.) [9]. Hippodamus of Miletus is the most famous city planner and ruler. We can learn the most about Miletus from Aristoteles who said "long haired, extraordinary personality and has ideas about the ideal city" [10]. The grid was drawn from army compound in ancient Roman and was structured around two main roadways, the Cardo Maximus (north-south) and Decumanus Maximus (east-west), which were positioned at right angles to each other (figure 2.). The Forum, or marketplace, the Basilica, or law court, the Curia, or conference hall, and a Capitolium, or formal state worship, were all located at their intersection during Hadrian's rule (AD 117-138) [11].

Figure 1. Miletus' layout is built on a rigorous orthogonal grid. Source: Quadralectic Architecture
Figure 2.  Roman Urban Planning. Source: KMJantz 

Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand made the first concrete attempt in France to encourage the use of an abstract grid of proportions to coordinate the plans, sections, and elevations of structures. He was a key player in Neoclassicism, and his design concept, which used basic modular pieces, foreshadowed current manufactured construction materials (Figure 3.). He employed the fundamental architectural meter as the module, which was measured as the center-to-center distance between columns rather than a column diameter, which had previously been proportionately tied to the human body [12]. The method of Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand was popular in Germany among Neoclassicist architects such as Karl Friedrich Schinkel and Leo von Klenze, and it inspired Ernst Neufert, a German architect who is best known as an assistant of Walter Gropius, as a teacher, and as a member of various standardization organizations, and especially for his essential handbook Architects' data [13]. In the international style and the Machine era, grids are employed to coordinate the measurements of a structure and the pieces that are constructed and assembled in a factory, leaving minimal flexibility for change on site [14].

Figure 3. Durand’s procedure of project composition. Photo: Getty Research Institute. 

1.1        The Gride Method in Architecture Design

Students are frequently given the traditional nine-square grid assignment in their first year of architecture school. Palladio's geometry was drawn from the nine-square grid, since all of his villas were variants of three bay by three bay arrangements in a nine-square grid (Figure 4.) [15]. Students are encouraged to use their imagination when it comes to adding and arranging architectural elements, as long as they stay within a nine-square grid system. It was stated by Timothy Love that this grid format is the optimal geometric framework for comprehending the link between architectural components and their spatial features [16]. The grid is similar to language syntax. It's a rigidly defined framework inside which semantics can take place. Using a grid system like that is beneficial not just for achieving harmony, but also for conveying design guidelines inside a layout. Using a grid on a smaller scale allows for internal transformation. On a larger scale, using a grid allows for the architecture to be extended in a logical and sensible manner. On a broader scale, employing a grid establishes the ground rules for prospective building linkages. All of this takes place on two levels: structural and spatial planning. The above can be accomplished by using a simple grid that follows the golden rectangle's rules. That isn't to claim that it is the only way to design a building. John Habraken's tartan grid provides a high level of flexibility, bridging the gap between space utilization and physical limitations [8].

Figure 4. Schematized plans of Palladio’s villas. Source: Wittkower 1949.

1.1        Augmented Reality

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word 'augment' as 'to make something greater by adding to it.' Making greater may be defined as enlarging, expanding, or enhancing the properties of physical components. Augmented reality (AR) is the use of digital components to enhance a physical experience. To improve people's perception, AR employs a number of digital components in the realms of hearing, sight, touch, and aroma [2]. AR is a type of computer-generated information that is placed on the real world. Our surroundings have been enhanced to make it easier for users to fulfill their tasks [17]. The environment in AR is real, but it has been supplemented with system data and images [18]. AR improves the physical world and is constructed on top of reality, rather than being limited to virtual scenes [19]. When the natural world is virtual and the artificial environment improves it with real goods, this is known as augmented virtuality (AV).

According to augmented reality practitioners, the need for more comfortable and affordable living standards makes the inclusion of AR into our lives inescapable. AR is a virtual component that augments the real world to provide users with additional digital knowledge and capabilities. The most relevant digital content would be displayed at the appropriate time and in the right place via augmented reality. The content might be added to the real environment, and AR allows for the transformation of existing objects in such a way that users can't identify the difference between them and the real thing [17], [20] . According to Azuma the three essential components of AR are [19], [21]:

·       The fusion of real and virtual objects

·       Real-time interactivity

·       The alignment of both real and virtual objects

The concept of a "virtuality continuum" relates to the mix of object classes presented in any particular display situation, as described in Figure 5., where genuine environments are displayed on one end and virtual environments on the other. The first scenario, shown on the left, relates to environments formed completely of real objects, such as those shown on a typical television display of a real-world scene. Another example is firsthand observation of the same natural phenomenon without the aid of any electronic display technology. The right-hand instance denotes settings made entirely of virtual objects, such as a traditional computer visual simulation. The simplest way to view a Mixed Reality environment, as illustrated in the diagram, is one in which real and virtual world things are exhibited concurrently on a single display, that is, anywhere between the virtuality continuum's extremes [20].

Figure 5. Virtuality Continuum (Milgram, P., & Kishino, F. 1994)

2 Method

Figure 6. Research Methodology Graph

2.1 Creating Parametric Model

The parametric model has started with nine grid layout 6m * 6m which will carry nine boxes (figure 7.). The dismission of the grid is based on ten times human scale which is 60cm according to Architects' Data Book by Ernst Neufert. The internal points of gride five have selected to guide the boxes placement and movement (figure 8.). In the parametric definition each point is responsible to hold grid five and two adjacent boxes. The boxes have the ability to move in X,Y,Z but, not all pf them are able to move in the three axis. The gride five is only move in the Z axis to control the height, and X,Y are fixed to simplify the process in term of the movement direction. However, the courtyard design can be achieved by removing the box in grid five. Any box in any grid can be removed by setting the height (Z) equal zero. The middle grids (2,4,6, and 8) are attached to the fifth grid from the back, and they only can move on the X or Y axis depends on the box location (Figure 9.). The corner grids move on the X and Y axis. The placement and movement organization and removing the unwanted box logic has implemented in one algorithm (figure 10.). Each box has separate number sliders to control the allowed movements either on the X or Y or Z axis (figure 11.).

Figure 7. Nine gride layout

Figure 8. Grid five’s points 
Figure 9. Middle grids movement
Figure 10. The main placement and movement organization and removing algorithm
Figure 11. Boxes control.

1.1        Converting to BIM Model

In the project, the VisualARQ (VA) BIM plug-in for grasshopper has been utilized to convert the original boxes to BIM component then to a building. The wall component in VA is based on a curve input, thus the curve must be extracted from the original shape composition. I did extract the initial shape’s curves into two sets the boundary line and the interior to generate the walls (figure 12.). The idea of separating the boundary curve form the rest is to use it to place the windows and doors. I have created three points on the boundary curve each point representing the position of an architectural component (figure 13.). By implementing an if statement to the point, the position of the point will correspond to the geometry walls list to pick the wall that has the placement guild point onto to be the host wall for the window or door. Each component have a set of sizing parameters (figure 14.)

Figure 12. Walls’s curve extraction
Figure 13. Points on the boundary curve
Figure 14. Sizing parameters
2.3 Create AR prototype

On of the objective of this project is to create an AR prototype that enables user to create and study their geometry by placing it in real environments. The Fologram software which like the Grasshopper definition to an AR platform that capable of read and link Grasshopper component. The Fologram feature a live synchronization which means any changes on the algorithm will be reflected on the AR app. The changes are not limited to the Grasshopper side, some component could be synchronized to AR application, thus the modification could be through the phone. This platform has some limitation regarding the types of geometry that can be used especially that come from third party grasshopper plug in, but with some effort converting the geometry to native grasshopper component I was able to synchronize all geometries. 

2.4 Prototype Experiment on Students 
2.5 Results Analysis
2.6 Conclusion

These three sections will be completed in the next phase of the project. 

3 References 

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